हेल्थ फिटनेस आयुर्वेद उपाय

हेल्थ फिटनेस आयुर्वेद

उपायCaffeine is a poison and a stimulant that burdens the adrenals & overtime damages our entire system through mineral depletion & acidic damaging waste.  Time to end the reliance.
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“Just like sugar, Caffeine is addictive period.
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I've heard many people say, "well coffee keeps me regular so i can't stop it". Ummm no it doesn't. Your body sees coffee as a toxin and is trying to rid itself of that toxin by eliminating it. This is what the body does with foreign, toxic invaders. 😊

It also robs your entire body, joints, muscles and all, of hydration. Do you like the stiff and crappy feeling you are left with? 

That "I'm so awake" you feel from coffee, thats your body's flight or fight response because it recognizes coffee as a toxic invader. Therefore, its warning you of the toxic invader. Thats why you "crash" afterwards. Just like with sugar. That is why you go for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th cup in order to keeeep onnnnn goooiiinnngg. Not rocket science here folks. Just plain using our brains that we were given and listening to the body's we were given.

I know it’s not easy but if you value your health, dropping coffee is a major step in the right direction, your body will thank you.
. .Heal Thyself 
                   . . Healthy Self….
